Nobody Asked for This, But I’m Back
Yup. I know consistency in blogging isn’t one of my strong suits. But, I’m trying to rediscover things that used to make me happy – one of which is writing for pure fun. I don’t want to make a living at this or become an influencer. Audiences make me anxious. At least by blogging and staying here in my little weird corner, I can attract the right readers and maybe help inform or entertain, maybe both.
The site has undergone some changes – a new look, fewer plugins, more optimization, and security features, and I’m still working on checking out various devices to tweak the design.
Updates to My Life
- I worked for 2.5 years for Automattic, the company behind WordPress, supporting their e-commerce platform and extensions at WooCommerce. I took the famous severance deal this year and left the company.
- I have a boyfriend, a soon-to-be fiance, whom I love very much. He’s also trans.
- I have a dog, Astro, who is a rescue and probably some kind of terrier and pit bull mix.
- We moved across the country this New Year, and we’re still waiting for the moving company to deliver our stuff. It was a debacle. Still glad we didn’t rent a truck and drive it ourselves.
- I’m going back into web design but this time around I’m learning to do all the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP the manual way to make optimized, beautiful, accessible, and successful web sites. I’m also going to learn Wix and Shopify and not just WordPress theme creation.
- Boyfriend is job hunting. We might hear back tomorrow.
The universe provided the six-month severance, and that allowed us to survive the end of the year and get to our new home. Friends are letting us stay in their basement apartment and we only have to contribute to utilities or barter for rent.
I got on Medicaid this month in our state, and it’s expanded so I’m mostly getting free-to-me healthcare for my health conditions. That’s been a relief even if my new doctor seems to not be much more than adequate.
We have been fortunate enough to be able to get food twice now from the local food bank. It’s mostly good food, but they really don’t give you things like seasonings or butter or little staples you might need for ingredients. I’m not complaining, it was just a thing that occurred to me since we’re starting with nothing in the pantry. We actually got two cans of diet soda in this week’s offerings.
The last major ending is that I’m quitting vaping nicotine and Boyfriend ordered me a Füm kit. I’m hopeful I can kick nicotine for my health and our finances.
Tip Jar
Hey reader – I don’t know how you found me, but if you like my blog or just want to help a stranger out with some Chaotic Good, we could really use the financial assistance right now, and it’s close enough that mutual aid would save the day.
Would you spare a few bucks via CashApp here?
Thanks and See You Soon
Thanks for reading this post – I’m hoping to do this more as a hobby to unwind after working on my business stuff all day. There might not be a regular schedule for a bit, but routines and habits help me.